Aloha Oregon!


Following the Yellow Brick Road

July in San Diego after our personal tornado.

Its not quite Oz, but I feel that we're like the tinman and scarecrow (not to say, brainless and heartless, its an imperfect metaphor okay?) on our own little walking tour and have to keep pulling each other on. That, and the mist that hides our emerald city in the distance? Apparently, that's monsoonal moisture. Who knew Oz would be stuck under a high pressure system with unseasonable humidity. Baah.

Like Dorothy, I've also managed to surround myself with munchkins thanks to a wonderful organization called the Clairemont Boys and Girls Club. On weekday afternoons, I get to call myself a "volunteer" while pretending to be a kid again playing foosball, ping pong, basketball and doing some wicked block building with all my new 6 to 11 year old friends. Jealous yet? If you've ever wanted to go back in time and be the biggest kid at school - you know, the one who everyone looks up to because he can dunk the basketball (small hoops) and can score with the foosball goalie (little kids have weak arms) - let me impress on you that it can be easily done by calling it "community service." Wicked.

When dunking on 8 year old girls gets boring (i'm kidding, it never gets boring), there's been ample time to surf, visit friends in Santa Barbara and perfect my sudoku solving skills. That's right, sudoku. Though I doubt this skill will immediately translate into financial gain or have even the slightest benefit towards doing anything that isn't a sudoku puzzle, it is certainly possible that, when we reach the emerald city, through that green shining door with the little door in the middle, a little munchkin arm will present us with a 9 x 9 grid that claims its solution to be "very hard."

And I, my friends, will be ready.



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